Building microbial networks

Welcome to the second edition of the ISME Latin American Congress, ISME-LAT 2021, an event sponsored by ISME in Latin America. This event aims to consolidate the Latin American community working on microbial ecology. This year the host country is COLOMBIA and it will be virtual due to the uncertainty of travel and ongoing restrictions.



you can download posters schedule.

All posters will have a presentation time of 15 minutes. The first three minutes each participant will present the poster and the rest of the time will be for questions. This in order to promote interaction with the public.

Comments or opinions? Use #ISME_LAT_2021

When did ISME-LAT begin?


Diversity at its Best

September 11-13, 2019

A little bit of history


The first version of the Latin American ISME was held in Chile and organized jointly by the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (USM), the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Chile and the University of Antofagasta. The event was held at the Federico Santa María Technical University in Valparaíso.

This first ISME in Latin America was organized to exchange knowledge and experiences, and to promote scientific collaborations in the region.

Dr. Mónica Vásquez from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile led the organization together with a committee that included Dr. Cristina Dorador, from the University of Antofagasta, Dr. Beatriz Cámara, Dr. Michael Seeger and Dr. Vanessa Ayala from the Technical University Federico Santa María, and Dr. Mónica Sorondo from the University of Concepción.

The first ISME-LAT had financial support of the International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME), the Agouron Institute, the Gordon, and Betty Moore Foundation, the SOMICH (Chilean Society of Microbiology), and CONICYT through the GAMBIO Ring Project and the FONDECYT N 1171555 (Beatriz Cámara).

Approximately 400 people attended the meeting from 23 different countries. Eight ambassadors of the society also attended. Plenary sessions included leading scientists such as Edward DeLong and Kristen DeAngelis (USA), Romilio Espejo and Osvaldo Ulloa (Chile), María Eugenia Farías (Argentina), Carlos Pedros Alio (Spain), Francisco Barona (Mexico), Leda Mendoza (Brazil) and Pilar Junier (Switzerland). Additionally, there were approximately 100 exhibitors present each day during the poster sessions.

The topics covered included the human microbiome, fungal-bacterial interactions, soil microbial ecology, climate change and microbiology, biodegradation and bioremediation, meta-omics, among others, all of which highlighted the potential of Latin America in the development of microbial ecology and contributions to world knowledge.

There was a pre-congress course "Analysis of bioinformatics data for metagenomes and amplicons using R" carried out by Dr. Eduardo Castro-Nallar, Assistant Professor of the Andrés Bello University and Dr. Michael Seeger of the University Federico Santa María Technique.

Finally, the event sponsored a mural  "Root of Existence", by the artist Juan Pablo Gatica (Jotapé), as a thank you to the host city of Valparíso. This mural, inspired by the theme of the event "Biodiversity at its best", represented the world of microorganisms from a holistic perspective and aimed to expose the local community to scientific activities and to enhance the work of artists and cultural managers.

What is our goal?

To strengthen ties among researchers interested in microbial ecology in order to generate ideas and develop projects aimed at solving regional problems with a global projection.

Important dates

June 15

Abstract submission deadline

June 15

June 30

1st deadline for attendee registration (early)

Payment deadline

June 30

Communication of abstract acceptance

Payment deadline

June 30

July 26th

2nd deadline for attendee registration (late)

Payment deadline

July 27 - 30


July 27 - 30





Cra 1 Nº 18A - 12
Bogotá - Colombia
Postal code: 111711

Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación
Reconocimiento como Universidad: Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia
